Hidden ASSets Miniature Donkey Farm Photos

 Rhoda is the long ear that started it all! She was Steve's very first purchase.

 Bomb and Wind Walker checking out the herd of girls the day that they arrived at Hidden Assets.

 Stormy checking out the world when she was only a couple hours old.

 Howard just realized he's the only jack in this pasture with all the jennies and he's thinking, so many women and so little time!!

 When your short the view never changes!

 Is it still snowing?

 The official farm dog!

 Looking out into the pasture from our deck.

 This is Kracker all ready to go in his very first parade...

 After watching all the crazy people for a few minutes Kracker figured this parade stuff isn't that big of a deal and took it all in stride.

 It's that time of the year, Kracker and Lonnie are off to deliver Wreaths to the neigbors for the Holidays.

 Renee and Cash in the back of her VW bug coming home from MSU.

 Stew keeping an eye on his girls.

 In Loving Memory of Junior 4-9-1982 to 11-2-2007

 We will miss you George, R.I.P. big guy.. 3-13-1994 to 9-11-2020

 Brem and George discussing the girls.

 Brem and George at it again!!

 George keeping an eye on the new foals.

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