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Hidden Assets Betty


Jennet DOB 10-4-07 22.5" Dark Brown

Sire: My World Brem 31.5" Dark Brown

Dam: Sunset Acres Faith 34" Black/Brown

Betty is our last foal of the year. She is dark brown with a very curly coat. Faith has been very protective and keeps the other donkeys away from Betty, because of that she is a little more reserved and tends to stay by her moms side. I'm sure after a few weeks Betty and Outlaw will be the best of pals.

Thank you and congratulations Ron Hierons and family of Tehkummah Ontario on your purchase of Eddie and Betty

Hidden Assets Outlaw


Jack DOB 10-1-07 24" Black/Brown NLP

Sire: My World Brem 31.5" Dark Brown

Dam: Laughlin's Tina Turner 34" Black/Brown

Outlaw is a little monster, he has way too much personality for his own good. He is very heavy boned, has nice conformation and a perfect bite. From the day he was born he was full of himself. Outlaw doesn't see any reason to stay by his mom, he thinks just because he was born a big guy he can take care of himself. He thinks if you are in his pen it is to play with him and only him. We are very happy with the quality of the foals Brem and Tina have produced.

Thank you and congratulations Scott and Angie DeBoer on your purchase of Howard and Outlaw.
The DeBoer's are from Hudsonville MI.

Hidden Assets Big Secret (Mr. Big)


Jack DOB 5-11-07 21.5" Gray-Dun

Sire: Hidden Assets Secret Cover Up 31.5" Black/Brown

Dam: Pine Grove Farm's Rosemary 30.5" Gray-Dun

We named him Big Secret because we didn't know his dam was breed until a few months before she foaled. We just thought she was fat. We had our future junior herd sire running with our jennies, he was only 11 months old. We figured he couldn't do anything. Wrong!! The worst part was Rosemary carried him for 14 months and 6 days. That is another reason he is Mr. Big we thought he would be full grown and walk right out. Luckily everything went fine with the delivery and he was little too! But he does think he is Mr. Big Stuff.

Congratulation to John and Kris Lamb on the purchase of Big Secret and Larry. The Lamb's are from Holland Michigan.

Hidden Assets Larry


Jack DOB 5-14-07 21.5" Light Sorrel

Sire: My World Brem 31.5" Dark Brown

Dam: My World Lindy Lu 33.25" Dark Brown

Larry is a very quite laid back boy. He is a very different color, he is almost orange. He worships his sister Martha and follows her everywhere. But that gets him into a lot of trouble with his Mom. Because Martha is always doing what she is not suppose to!

Congratulation to John and Kris Lamb on the purchase of Big Secret and Larry.
The Lamb's are from Holland Michigan.

Hidden Assets Eddie


Jack DOB 5-14-07 24" Gray-Dun

Sire: My World Brem 31.5" Dark Brown

Dam: Feather Ridge's Pristine 34" Light Sorrel

Eddie is very sweet and he is definitely a Momma's boy. He will only play with the other foals for so long and then has to go back to check in with Mom. That works out good because Pristine is a very protective dam, it takes her a couple weeks before she lets any other donkeys within ten feet of her foals.

Thank you and congratulations Ron Hierons and family of Tehkummah Ontario on your purchase of Eddie and Betty.

Hidden Assets Martha


Jennet DOB 5-11-07 21" Dark Sorrel

Sire: My World Brem 31.5" Dark Brown

Dam: RBM's Maggie 31.75" Dark Sorrel

Martha was our first foal of the year, she looks like a small version of her dam Maggie. Martha is very friendly and outgoing. She also loves to run and play with the other foals. This is Maggie's first foal and she has done a very good job being a first time mom.

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